Peace Walker Society
Thank you for your interest in the Peace Walker Society.
Derek Walker Youngs walked for peace from 1986 to 2011, logging about 25,000 kilometres in 25 countries. From 2002, the nonprofit Peace Walker Society existed to support his work, and to connect others interested in peacewalking. In addition to his walks at home and abroad, he guided groups of pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago, lead workshops and gave presentations to schools and community groups.
With the Society currently inactive, I am maintaining this website with the help of former PWS board member Zachariah Crow, as a memorial to Derek Walker Youngs, and as an up-to-date resource for information on peacewalking and pilgrimage.
I am also in the process of finishing a book of Derek's stories of peacewalking, which will be available here online when it is complete. Please contact me if you are interested in pre-ordering a copy.
Carolyn Affleck Youngs
Derek Walker Youngs (1940-2011)
From 1986 to 2011, Derek Walker Youngs devoted much of his time to walking as a peace pilgrim. During that time, he walked over 25,000 km in twenty-five countries.
Carolyn Affleck Youngs
Carolyn Affleck is a photographer, writer, and walker living in Victoria, Canada.